Thursday, November 28, 2013

This blog documents the state of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. Various physical and chemical ocean parameters are documented in the ocean surrounding the Indian subcontinent. A monthly database of a 10 year period (wherever possible) documents variations in the parameters listed below.

Net Primary Productivity
Chlorophyll- a Levels
Sea Surface Temperature
Sea Surface Height
Salinity and Salt Flux
Wind Speed
In-situ Depth Profiles 

Additionally, we document some extreme events in the Indian Ocean and attempt to characterize variations in the physical and chemical parameters during these periods. We focus on the Cyclonic Storm Phailin which made landfall on the eastern coast of India on October 12, 2013 and the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26 December, 2004 as examples of these extreme events.

This project is a part of an undergraduate course titled 'Sensing Our Planet: Oceans and Atmosphere' in the Environmental Studies program at the Foundation for Liberal and Management Education (FLAME), Pune, India.

Contributors to the project: Diva Singh, Shreya Mundhra, Sanjana Singh, Sanjana Suresh, Aaron D'souza, Rohil Jethmalani, Ashwal Gowda, Radhika Mulay, Anchal Sood,  Sharanya Menon, Anshika Goel, Rudre Malik, Vineet Tolia, Vidhi Maheshwari, and Rahul Chopra.

Course Instructor: Rahul Chopra